The others though were more informative and covered a couple different topics.
The first was on a subject near and dear to many of us, Halloween from Michellewhois:

Michelle, rumor has it I might remember Rocky and Bullwinkle! What a great costume idea and memory! Thanks!
Michelle also is a transgender veteran and weighed in on the Bradley Manning debacle:
"I spent 24 years in the military and lived with my Gender Dysphoria and not once ever felt the need to expose military secrets that I was aware of. I lived with fear of discovery, several beatings that I could never report and being ostracized by my "supposed" compatriots. I just recently read a news article, written by a a reporter who transitioned in the 90's. The article, brought out a very valid point of how Manning's declaration of being trans may hurt trans-folks that are still serving. Many of us were starting to see a glimmer of hope but now it may be the smoldering fire that will consume us. He (and I for one will never acknowledge HIM as anything but a HIM) has done more harm than just the release of classified information. He has solidified the trans community as something to be feared. The latest name is "TRANS-TRAITOR". It's hard enough for a trans-vets to get help while serving. Let alone having the military to use HIM as an excuse to further persecute trans on To "She" or not to "She" Chelsea"
As did Hailey:
As you ladies know, I agree and I can think of nothing recently which has infuriated me more. I would suppose separating the gender issue completely out of the process, the scariest part of this to me was "back in the day" I encountered troops who were intellectually or emotionally unable to even cover me on a live practice range. Now for one of those people to turn up and be a Bradley Manning was just too much.
He tried to take down TWO cultures, the military and now the transgender nation. Tragic.