Showing posts with label NRA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NRA. Show all posts

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Girl Things

Over the holidays, I inadvertently ran into a couple examples of feminine privilege. Before you set out to rock me, I'm not defining true gender privilege-just stereotypes which caught up with me.

1.- Liz's family Christmas dinner.  The men around the dinner table began to talk about which automatic weapons they had ever fired. (Remember, Liz's Dad is a lifetime NRA member.) I am careful not to discuss politics!  At any rate, I just assumed somewhere along the line I would be asked also. My only experience of course came in the US Army.  Liz and I were the only two women at the table and never asked and of course I never volunteered. Liz would fire, hopefully with me not in range at the wrong time! (I'm always charming!)

Ironically, her Dad (89) "counsel's" Liz on her choice to be with a woman not a man.  Can't win them all?

2.- One of the most irritating actions to me-almost up there with being called "Sir" is when another woman passes along something for me to open.  Really?  First of all, they don't realize how HRT does sap traditional "male strength" and do they pass something to open to another of their girlfriends? But-  During the holidays, I'm learned to pass whatever I need opened over to Liz's 17 year old son and he loved it.

It's about time, since I lost a ton of intelligence when I MtF transitioned, I may as well regain whatever I can in my new world.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Guess Whose Coming to Dinner

I can't believe it has been almost a week now since I (yes I) went to Sunday dinner with my gf's father, brother and son.

She has been pushing me to do it for quite sometime now and I finally figured why not? Actually her 15 year old son has known me for awhile and he is quite accepting and brother is a successful professional so I figured two out of three were in the bag. The wild card was Dad.  He is a card carrying NRA conservative 87 year old and carries that go to hell if you don't like me attitude of most guys of that age. Also like most men of that age he can't hear or see too well which helped me out!

He got the ball rolling quickly when we arrived at his apartment and the first thing he said about me was "bring her over here so I can take a better look".  I was a little nervous and wanted to ask if I could take a hit off of his oxygen tank but actually I didn't have to. He did his best to include me in the family conversations.

We soon took off and went to a nearby steak house for dinner and before I knew it the day was over.  Ironically, every time I think my transition process is reaching some sort of plateau something comes along to prove I'm still just getting started.

In some ways, I hope my life always stays this way.  As the old paranoia's of the past encounters with the public begin to fade, I can finally experience the true essence of  the gender I should have always been.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Signs of the Apocalypse

Maybe the Mayans were right. The world as we know it will change. You all know I don't really prefer to get real in depth into non transgender happenings in the world here in Cyrsti's Condo.  After all, who the hell am I anyhow? But I can not help commenting  now on certain events.

The Newtown shootings in Connecticut truly caused me to be ashamed of our country and of course feel the unspeakable grief for the families. Then the following insane event when the first responders were killed in the fire/shootings.

Now of course our country is rightfully embroiled once again in the gun control debate.  Yesterday during our family Christmas get together the gun debate raged on. We have a mix of real NRA advocates all the way to me who they consider a radical liberal (which isn't exactly true).

In essence I just said the problems are so totally out of control I can't fathom an answer. Don't quote the "right to bear arms" constitutional guarantee. (2nd Amendment)  I agree with that. Don't tell me the criminals are always going to have weapons...DUH!  I just said what do we do when you can drive to the super box store down the street (who has already destroyed industry and small businesses all around this country) and buy an assault weapon for approximately a thousand dollars? After you buy one will you go down the aisle and buy a bullet proof back pack for your child?

Of course they had no answer. I could only come up with a theory we helped this along years ago when we cut much of the mental health funding.  Around my parts at least. It was no secret to all of us that many individuals around here were on the street who shouldn't be.

Is this the apocalypse? Consider the Christmas weather map in this country:  The south was getting hammered by tornadoes. Here in the Midwest where I live we are having a real blizzard with thunder and snow. It also looked like the west was getting snow and rain...all accompanied by a Trans Siberian Orchestra heavy duty Christmas song. My cynical nature told me the true sign would be if the Cincinnati Bengals made it to the Super Bowl then Hell would freeze over.

Like the rest of you I'm just an "itty bitty" cog in a huge wheel with some sort of access to write about all of this. Essentially I can't even spell apocalypse without spell check. I'm also no Nostradamus but there is going to be a bumpy ride coming up. I'm not stocking up with 400 boxes of crackers and a 50 gallon drum of Australian "Vegemite" to get through all of this yet though and the only assault rifle I ever touched was an Army M-16.  I do sign petitions and try to help whenever I can.

At the least, my transgender life style has allowed me to become more accustomed to a bumpy lifestyle.

Excuse me, I have to go out and shovel ten inches of blowing snow.

Preparing to Lose

  JJ Hart speaking at a Cincinnati Trans Wellness  Conference. When I first began to explore my transgender womanhood in public, I was rejec...