Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy? New Year???


Image from Kateryna 
on UnSplash.

Well, I was preparing in my mind last night to write my usual semi-positive post concerning the new year which is here...but.

When I awoke this morning, all was changed when I heard of and watched the news coverage of the terrible disaster in New Orleans. If you are not familiar, at least ten people were killed and thirty injured when a driver drove around barriers and crashed into a crowded Bourbon Street full of innocent people.  

Needless to say, any ideas I had about making resolutions for the new year such as coming out of a dark closet seemed to be pointless. I have always believed making a new year's resolution to live as your authentic feminine self-more than you ever have before is an honorable choice to begin a new year. I know also, many of you may have thought about pausing your gender transition because of the possibility of problems which might occur with the incoming administration.

Whatever you decide to do, please be safe doing it and do your best to have a happy new year. 


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