Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Tomorow is Here

Outreach Image from
JJ Hart.

 This morning, I went with my wife Liz to her doctor's appointment. She is a morning person which I am not, so I needed to be up much earlier than normal. 

To make up for it, I shaved before I went to bed which was enough beard removal to get by with a light application of foundation. The entire process gained me a half hour of extra sleep which came in handy. Another benefit of being the first appointment was being in a nearly empty waiting room and actually being on time to be called. So, any worry about being noticed as a transgender woman in a potentially hostile world was erased. 

I don't know why I worry so much. In the past ten years or so, I have never been harassed by anyone which means I am meeting my goal to dress to blend in with the public of women I encounter.  Also, I cannot stress enough how much confidence plays in my presentation as a trans woman. I need to be prepared to smile and speak with other strangers, primarily women. 

Coming up, I have several occasions to socialize with other women who I have never met before. However, a few I have met virtually several times so it will be interesting to see how it goes. Fortunately, we have a good weather day coming up for me to make a relatively lengthy drive to the venue where the luncheon is being held. I have an outfit picked out. It is a regional Alzheimer's diversity meeting, so I want to not be a distraction. As the only transgender person involved, I want to put my insecurities and contribute what I can to the group.  Primarily, the reason I turned down a request to talk with a television reporter who acted as if he wanted to interview me concerning LGBTQ elderly care. Instead, the reporter kept steering the conversation towards the election which I preferred not to talk about. So, I decided not to go any further. I feel as if I need to explain it to the group.

Other get togethers are smaller Christmas or Yule events which are with people I have known for a long time, so there is no threat. 

One thing is for certain, my long wait for my gender tomorrow is here. My trip to transgender womanhood has finally arrived and I need to enjoy and make the best of the life I have always dreamed of and put years of work being a cross dresser to get here.   

1 comment:

Paula said...

Most of what we worry about never happens! Sometimes I have to remind myself that we go through all of this simply to get on with life as ourselves rather than have to put on an act. For us the acting is over!

Opening Transgender Doors

  Image from Sara Darcaj on Unplash. To me, life is a process when we are born and doors open and when you die, and doors close. For transge...