Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Assertive Comments

 I received several comments concerning my post "Revoked" which centered around being ignored as a woman. 

The first comes from Connie: "It's OK for a woman to be assertive. She may be perceived to be a bitch in doing so, but if it's by someone being paid to do a job, I don't care what they may think of me. Arguing with the worker probably wouldn't get the desired results, anyway. Of course, calling a manager labels a woman as a "Karen" these days. Still, these are people who will, most likely, never be seen again.

There is also the matter of ageism that plays out in getting decent service oftentimes. I'd have to believe that a delivery man would bend over backward for a young woman for just her smile. Older people are seen as being easier to take advantage of."

So true! Age does factor in! Thanks for the comment.

The second comes from Michelle: 
It is "HELL" when you are treated like you don't know any better than the clowns that take it for grant it that as a woman you may know more than they think. I sometimes revert to dressing down to look somewhat manly when we have a repairman show up just so we are not taken advantage of. After they leave my, partner just sits there laughing at my shenanigans'.

I'm fortunate in that my partner picks up the slack in some of the more intense situations. Thanks for the comment!

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