Friday, August 2, 2019

A Busy Week Continues

Since our vacation ended, it seems as if all we have been doing is run.

Monday we got back. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, I went with Liz to her Doctor appointments and finally the grocery store. Then tonight we have a monthly social with the transgender - cross dresser support group we are a part of.

It's hard to believe another month has raced by already. I haven't even figured out what I am going to wear.

Saturday will make sixteen straight days of doing something. As we have another meeting for the Witches Ball Halloween party coming up in October. Plus, while I am on the subject of Halloween activity, Liz and I are going on a ghost hunt over in Indiana on Sunday.

It's no wonder, I am going through so much make up! Here is a picture taken on one of our Colorado train rides wearing little to no makeup...with Liz of course. I chose to wear just a light foundation and eye makeup that day. Wasn't trying to conserve makeup, I was just trying to blend in with most of the other women on the trip.

Back "in the day" when I dreamed of going into a full time transgender existence, Little did I know it would be this extensive.

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