Thursday, September 29, 2016

She "Popped" the Question

Sunday, June 6, 2010

She "popped" the question!

Not THAT one!
When I begin to think I feel comfortable in this  life I lead, reality always pays a calling card.
For years, conversations have progressed rapidly into "are you?" or "how long" or even "why?".

Last week, it all changed.I was sitting in my regular hang out when a woman slides in beside me.  This is not too uncommon because both of us were single girls at the bar.  The remainder of the 25+ seats were guys or couples.
She probably was seeking safety in numbers (our 2).

In a very short period of time she started a "small talk" conversation.  During this conversation we were approached by a serviceman just back from Afghanistan attempting to buy us a drink. Very flattering since both of us are on the long side of 40 and he was probably in his mid 20's. Yes, the "cougar conversation" was fun!  Instead of letting her solo the conversation, I just jumped right in too and offered to by HIM the drink. Seemed proper, since he was serving in the military. I was amazed how natural I felt.

Suddenly I was playing the game to win, just not to lose. Being two single girls at the bar was fun!
Well, I was on my own personal "cloud nine".  Here I was talking "girl talk" and getting free drink offers from younger guys. I also knew he didn't know because he offered a handshake when I offered him a drink.  The shake was the lite "guy to girl' hand rub.

The interaction  soon led to a lengthy conversation about the men she was attracted to.During all of this, if she had any questions about my gender she didn't let on in the least . Typically, most women don't care and find me to be a curiosity, but you know "we know your little secret!" I'm not complaining.
Soon  she asked me what kind of guys I was attracted to. You could have knocked me over with a feather.

I  had really never considered guys an attraction.  Not at all until  last year. (if you've read my other blogs)
The question positively confused me.  I mumbled some weak explanation and excused myself to the Ladies Room. One of the ultimate female moves. Run, hide and collect yourself and return.

Played with my hair, touched up the makeup and came up with my ideal guy! A humorous bigger guy who likes sports, food and music.  No "stay at home" types. Let's get out and live life.
Of course I managed to work bits and pieces of all of this epiphany (love that word!) back into our conversation.
Before we parted, I found we shared some common social places in the area.  I'm sure we will meet again and this time I'll accept that free drink!

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