Now Best-selling author and transgender activist Janet Mock (left) has been named a special correspondent on in Entertainment Tonight. In her first appearance she delved into the issue of cisgender (nontrans) actors playing trans roles and a host of other topics in an interview with Transparent star Jeffrey Tambor. (More here.)
Certainly, I am thrilled every time I see a positive transgender story and now even more thrilled when a trans person is actually involved in the process. (rare) I know the only persons who can truly understand my mtf gender transition are those friends of mine who are going through it too.
I do wonder how all of this "plays at home." I remember years ago when the transgender term was rare at best and most cross dressing images were characters up to "no good." When my wife and I were watching one of these shows, the cross dressed character became the "elephant in the room." I did my best to not be too excited.
I also wonder if this rush of transgender education and publicity helps those of you (in a relationship) considering playing in the girl's sandbox. For women like me, I can only hope my friends and acquaintances think, "Hey! There is a person like Cyrsti!"
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