Sunday, December 28, 2014

Cyrsti's Condo "Sunday Edition"

"Ker Plunk!" It's hard to believe the last Sunday Edition for 2014 is hitting your virtual front porch!!! Get that "Cup-O-Joe" brewing!
Page One-The Week that Was-or Wasn't.  The big topic around here and elsewhere in the transgender world was (basically) do the seemingly ever growing group of very attractive trans women coming out help the rest of us at all.  Very simply, does Kimberly Reed's (left ) public image help me in my life?  Yes, a lot and no not so much.  Sure, there is such a thing as a "passing privilege" and Kimberly has her share. On the other hand, using a gender stereo type, Kimberly was the blond slim (dare I say pretty boy quarterback in football, while some of the other of us played in the trenches.)  Might as well face it girls, as far as "passing privilege" goes, most of us will always be playing in the trenches,
Last year though,   Carmen Carrera, Laverne Cox  and Janet Mock, helped us when they took the conversation away from "passing privilege" into "genital privilege". Or, what you happened to be born with does not give you the privilege to discriminate against those of us who don't define our gender by what's between our legs.

Page Two- We Got Mail!   
J.AlainaS wrote in and asked: I'm curious, how many therapy sessions did you have between the diagnosis and getting the referral/prescription? Good question!  I had four.  My therapist and I got along famously and her final comment was "You are out, really OUT!"  On the serious side, her main focus was did I have a support system and a plan in place to support a MtF gender transition.  I did, and I got the letter.  Seems like a lifetime ago, when it will be just four in 2015.

Page Three-The YEAR that Was or Wasn't.  Needless to say, 2014 was quite the year.  Most certainly, HRT changes would be towards the top of any top list I may yet come up with, but not the top by far.  HRT is just an end to a means and does give me a small gift of "passing privilege" What it didn't give me was the in-depth, high voltage look of what the girl's sandbox looked like from the inside. I can thank Liz for that!!! 2014 also provided me with thrills & chills such as androgyny and gender acceptance all the way to gender slurs and rejection.

Page Four-The Back Page.  If you celebrated Christmas, I hope you found it to be festive and loving!  Soon, we will be given a chance to stop and at the least note the coming of a New Year.  In the next couple of days, we will take our own special look here in Cyrsti's Condo!

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And Then he Was Gone

  JJ Hart at Club Diversity Columbus, Ohio It took me nearly a half a century to rid myself of my male self and begin living as my authentic...