Thursday, September 11, 2014

Renee Reyes

Site logoAs a follow up to our Cyrsti's Condo post on successful transgender woman exec Martine Rothblatt-  we received this comment from J.AlanaS:

Hey Cyrsti, while searching for tips on transgender makeup I came across Renee Reyes  (left)  She's made a few fortunes and had the experience of being outed in the board room. For those who haven't been to her website or viewed her profile, I'd recommend it. Also, she has links on other sites that cover transitioning.

Thanks so much J.Alana!  I followed the link (as you can too above) and agree it's a wonderful informational place to go for transgender women who are transitioning -or are considering it!

Also, I used a quote and sent along a link on the same subject (Martine Rothblatt) from Helen Boyd.  Here is a partial comment from Jen Smith. from here in the Condo:  

I guess in short, someone who transitioned had to be able to overcome some serious obstacles to get there. I'm sure that people that can accomplish that can accomplish many other difficult things. Maybe to them most other obstacles look a lot easier to overcome?

Thanks Jen, and In my case, I wish I could reclaim all the time and energy I wasted being part of a person I wasn't. How much more could I have accomplished? On the other hand, some people just have a knack for making fortunes or being in the spotlight and I agree - after transitioning genders, much in life is a cakewalk! 

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