Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Martine Rothblatt

 If you missed the story, the highest paid female business executive in the United States is Martine Rothblatt. She earns $38 million-a-year as head of United Therapeutics,  married parent-of-four and underwent SRS in 1994. Now she has been named top in New York Magazine's list of the 200 most successful entrepreneurs - one of just 11 women on the list.

I wrote at the time I hadn't had much of an opportunity to read about the expected backlash to all of this but Cyrsti's Condo regular Jen Smith did:

There were a couple of links on this, and I read some of the comments on one of them. There were a bunch of negative ones, but there were few that were "battling back" :-)

Just seeing a trans person in such a powerful position, dominated by older males mostly, is what I though was the real takeaway. I guess she made her money before transitioning. But rather than fade into privacy after transition, she kept going with her career fully in the public eye. 

It's just so encouraging to hear and read about things like this in the press.

Indeed Jen! and thanks!  One of the links which caught my attention came from the always topical en/gender blog from Helen Boyd  (here's an excerpt which should get your attention!)   

I (Helen) just LOVE that, the idea (finally!) that trans is perhaps an ASSET, that it implies an individual’s ability not just to be self-made, but to be determined. Overall, interesting article about a highly eccentric person – eccentric because she’s rich, natch – and some passing mention of cyborgs and AI and the robot she made of her wife.

Follow the link to read more!

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