You are so correct in everything you said! In this post I tended to think everyone was a mind reader and I neglected to fill in much needed info. Such as I live a huge percentage of my life out- as a trans woman with a group of friends who have never met what is left of my male self. But not in the town where I live. More and more I began to feel I was a bigger and bigger hypocrite and I hate that. It is time in my life to do more than nothing about the situation where I live. Just sitting back in bigger cities around me and saying...yes it does suck in my town just isn't good enough anymore! Thanks so much Alexis!!!!
Sharon added:
"There is more condemning in the bible for those that get a divorce or playing around with more then their intended mate then there is for being a gay person"
Kind of funny how that works...right Sharon? But speaking of the righty bible bitches...one of the methods they are trying is to drive a wedge between the TGLB community and the traditional Civil Rights community of color...divide and conquer. The work of a true Christian? "Me thinks" not!
Thanks Sharon
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