Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Transgender Girl's Fantasy Evening!

I couldn't make up this idea if I tried. This time of year of course is the time to shine for most all transgendered girls. Transgender or transvestite or what ever label you want to put on yourself and Halloween are closely connected in my part of the world.
Most of us have some sort of story or two about how we met the world crossdressed in female clothes for the first time.
I have my stories too of course and have plenty of time to relate them to you before Halloween arrives this year on October 31st.
Yesterday a very close friend invited me to an event which is and isn't Halloween in the strictest sense. My friend is a "Wiccan" witch and the event is a "Witches Ball"! She is also is a cis-female.
Actually the ball is a couple weeks before Halloween and does have a costumed theme and I will not even try to connect any dots between the "Wiccans" and Halloween.
I will connect the dots between a chance for both of us to dress up in sexy fun costumes with others!
Of course I immediately thought of something extremely short  with fishnets. It turns out she has some other ideas! We are close to same size so she wants to open her closet and have some fun AND has a real fondness for long hair. I was already on some other planet when she told me of her wig collection of several long exotic wigs. I was thinking this was one of the best dreams I have ever had and I didn't want to wake up.  I didn't have to wake up. I already was! I have a real adversion to pain so I didn't want to pinch myself!!!!
So now the date of the ball (middle of October) seems to be years away.
As the time grows nearer, I will certainly have more information and maybe a picture or two!

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Let the World be your Classroom

  Image from Aleksandar Andreev on UnSplash. It certainly is difficult to reach a space in gender time when you can relax and let the world ...