Wednesday, October 6, 2010


On occasion (believe it or not) the old noggin goes on blank mode.
Do I want to write about the same old happenings? The agony of defeat when I don't present correctly-or the thrill of victory when I do?
NO! How about some good old fashioned paranoia. As Crosby, Still's and Nash would say "it's like looking in your mirror and seeing a police car."
Paranoia comes in different doses of course. Last night I was certain I looked just as I wanted to! Boots and Jeans. Nice soft mid waist low cut sweater and a whole bunch of red curls. God I thought I looked great!
Then reality crept in. Almost the same look in the same crowded sports bar and BAM-I get busted.
Hey, it didn't happen last night. I guess the police car wasn't really in the mirror! I was safe warm and happy!
A totally different paranoia struck me down at work today when a couple fellow working peeps started talking about a guy with eye makeup.
The police car was in the mirror and I quickly headed to the restroom to see if it was me.
It wasn't and the police car turned to chase someone else.
I know what you are thinking. Come on out girl! Grow a pair (or lose them).
When you feel soooo good as a girl-why not do it full time?
Can you teach an old dog a new gender?
We all know you can and I might.
In the meantime, life goes on a step at a time, in work shoes or high heeled boots.
Wow. If I did go full time, how long would I see that police car?

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