Monday, September 3, 2018

I am Transgender

Bye now, you should be thinking, well...Duh! But there is a reason to the madness of this post. The reason is:

I started playing with book ideas (finally) yesterday.

One of the happenings out of the past was just owning up to the fact I was?am transgender. The sentence went something like this: I am transgender...there I said it.

Before you judge, please remember all of this could change a number of times as I work my way through another "epic" non fiction work. This time, I am trying to structure the whole process to actually get it published in paper form. Not just in "E-Book" form like my last attempt which has just disappeared, along with the original publisher who shut down.

So, I am trying to make it more basic and informational than my first effort.

I need to focus on the fact this whole process  wasn't a choice and took a long decision process. I'm still amazed I can remember the night I came to the conclusion I was trans is still so clear to me, it seems like yesterday. 

At that point I backed track a bit an explained what being transgender means to me.  More precisely, trans to me means exactly what it says...crossing genders.

I also want to point out early in the book the idea transgender people live in the world often invisible to the public. And do I very good job of it.

All of this now is such a daunting task as I get started and (as I said) much of it will change numerous times as I work my way through it.

Then again, you have to start somewhere,

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Labor Day Weekend

With the last long weekend of the summer upon us, I paused to think what the holiday means to me. Selflessly, not so much. Growing up and well into my working life I never worked in a union, so I could only rely on my friends who got back from Vietnam and went to work in a local truck plant for any ideas I had.

I like Labor Day because even though the hot weather stays around for awhile, I know fresh fall weather is coming sooner more than later. So, I am looking forward to the final days of wearing my summer time maxi dresses. Plus, I am beginning to look around in my closet for fall/winter sweaters boots and leggings.

I respect Labor Day too, because it gives me a bit of time to step back and admire the work it took to come as far as I have in this transgender journey. For those of you who are in the midst of your own trans journey, you know what I am talking about. So, congratulations to you.

The Ohio State University
Also I would be remiss if I didn't mention the sport of American Football is finally underway. And, with or without Urban Meyer, The Ohio State Buckeyes pummeled a much lesser opponent...The Oregon State Beavers. As the season progresses though, the Buckeye's will have some very tough opponents. Then, there are the other professional teams in Ohio, the Cincinnati Bengals and Cleveland Browns who normally aren't worth mentioning.

For those of you who have a holiday weekend this week, I hope the leisure time finds you relaxing!

Friday, August 31, 2018

Another Saturday Night?

If Liz feels up to it, we have been invited to another Saturday night out at an upscale Italian restaurant here in town.

Liz has had this persistent cough which is slowly but surely making it's way to me. With my luck, I think it will hit me at it's peak for my next voice therapy lesson next week, the day after Labor Day. Summer colds are the worst in my book.

As far as Saturday night goes, I am thinking of my "back in black" outfit. I have a long flowing embroidered black skirt. I think it will look nice with my black and cream tank top. Weather appropriate since the temperature is supposed to be near 90 degrees (F) during the day.

Since I am always reminded to "wear something nice" by the host cross dresser. I want to make sure I hold up my end of the bargain.

From Obsession to Passion

  Image from Kayshawn Herandez on UnSplash.  For years I considered my desire to cross dress was more an obsession than anything else. Simil...