Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The Kiss

savannahSavannah Burton was born and raised in Corner Brook, Newfoundland. Now, she has gone from a small town to a big screen.
Burton is starring in the upcoming film The Kiss. The film is a period piece that takes place in the 1950’s, and has an LGBT theme. Burton plays Bettina, a transgender person who has a big reveal at the end of the film.

“Telling an LGBTQ story from this time is incredibly important,” said Burton. “There just aren’t that many out there as this was a time when people were very closeted and were quite hidden from mainstream society.”
Production companies involved in the making of the film are Southern Mirrors, DECO Pictures, GTE Productions. I play Bettina who is the Transgender sister of Mrs. Williams who is revealed at the end of the film. The film will be shown at various LGBTQ+ film festivals all over the world.

To Be or Not to Be

I have two especially musical terms. One is to be called ma'am or lady and the second is to be told I look nice by my toughest critic (and partner) Liz. Actually, the two often happen hand in hand. Let's take Sunday for example.

I was going to wear my new teal colored sweater with a pair of leggings and boots for Transgender Day of Remembrance. Unfortunately the only leggings I could find were brown ones and as I watched her eyes work me over from head to toe, I steeled myself for rejection. She said I looked like a character out of "Robin Hood Men in Tights." Not exactly a ringing endorsement. So I changed and received the go ahead and more.

Sometimes it is tough to set my ego aside and realize where I am in this process but I do. Years ago tough lessons taught me to learn the mirror did not always tell the truth.

I am also taking better care of my hair as HRT seems to be kicking in on it again (or winter!) I have found different ways to brush it out without causing more split ends and making it thicker.

One way or another, as I always say, confidence in who you are is a key component in achieving a successful feminine lifestyle. Transgender or cross dresser.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Another Look at the Veterans Adminstration

This time from another "Hart"-Michelle:

I will be seeing my therapist next week and will have more questions for her. I just recently attended a lecture, given to student therapists by members of the LGBT counselors from the VA (I am an unofficial member of the group).

One of the things I learned at the lecture is that the VA is now placing not only a trans status in one's medical records, as well as any desires for future SRS. It was also mentioned that sexual preferences is also being included in the records. I now have many questions for my therapist since I was under the understanding that physiological records are kept separate from medical records unless medications are required. Because of my unofficial status, I thought I have been able to stay somewhat under the radar but this information has caused some concern."

Thanks Michelle, while nothing would surprise me, I have never been asked anything about my sexual preferences, or SRS. Then again, I have not been afforded the access you have! Way to go!!!

Transgender Instincts

Image from Atich Bana  on Unspalsh.   First, I need to apologize for missing a post yesterday. I went to my primary provider at the local Ve...