Monday, February 23, 2015

Cyrsti's Condo "Cover Girl of the Day"

Josephine Jochmann - appeared in a documentary made for German TV station RTL2 entitled, "Transgender-my way to a competent body) - was born in 1994 but came alive as a girl in 2010 when he first went to school dressed in girls clothes. He started hormone therapy in 2011.Our feature cover today is Mtf transgender woman Josephine Jochmann  who appeared in a documentary made for German TV station RTL2 entitled, "Transgender-my way to a competent body) - was born in 1994 but came alive as a girl in 2010 when she first went to school dressed in girls clothes. She started hormone therapy in 2011.

Even Closer to Home?

HD5A0093.jpgJust yesterday I posted a transgender story from and today there is another.  Aside from the positive impact of this new post, the fact I also drive through Yellow Springs, Ohio at least a couple times a week back and forth to Liz's in Cincinnati.  I will explain my attraction to "The Springs" in a moment-but first the most important point. It.s called  "RAISING ZAY: A family's journey with a transgender child THE MORE SCIENCE LEARNS, THE MORE MEDICINE CAN HELP. CINCINNATI HAS HELPED LEAD THE NATION IN TRANSGENDER CHILDREN'S HEALTH. Anne Saker,"

Follow the link above for more. It's a very in depth and positive piece!!!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

The "Ripple Effect"

Unfortunately I drive past the exact spot Leelah Alcorn's life came to an end (and a truck driver's undoubtedly changed forever) - at least once a week and sometimes at night.  To say the least, it is a dark, desolate and busy stretch of road at night.  If it is possible though, the setting makes the whole story seem even more tragic and surreal.  But on the bright side, many are not forgetting the world's loss - as you will read in this article from Cincinnati.Com. It which recaps the events since Leelah's suicide:

The suicide nearly two months ago of Warren County (near Cincinnati) teenager Leelah Alcorn triggered a national soul-searching about gender identity, suicide, parent-child relationships and social progress.
Global attention to Alcorn's death came amid growing awareness of the transgender experience, particularly in the past three years with the shot to stardom of actress Laverne Cox. Less than a week before Alcorn's death, movie stars Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie announced that their 8-year-old child, a girl named Shiloh at birth, preferred to be called John and to wear boy's clothes. Olympic gold medalist and reality-TV star Bruce Jenner isreportedly transitioning, at 65, from male to female.
The Internet ignited and fueled the conversation about Alcorn. She posted a wrenching suicide note on the social media site Tumblr that flashed across the world. (The Tumblr posting has since been taken down.) A friend also posted Alcorn's selfie posing in a dress, a photograph that artists adapted around the world. That was only the beginning:
 The #leelahalcorn Twitter hashtag continues to generate rolling traffic. A petition drew thousands of signatures urging Congress to ban therapy that aims to dissuade people with questions about gender identity or sexual expression.
 Vigils were held in Cincinnatiacross Ohio and the nation in Alcorn's memory; demonstrations were held as far away as New Zealand.
And there is more.  Go here to check it out!!!

Halloween and Gender Breakthroughs

Halloween Image from the JJ Hart Archives.  Back again we go to Halloween and the effects it had on me as I developed into a novice transgen...