Saturday, August 7, 2010

Another Book Excerpt.

Ft. Knox in January was not conducive to either Jessie or I.
“Back in the day” basic training was an exercise in team building and endurance. Survival was the number one priority not fashion!
Survive we did and in reality, basic training was the last I would see of the real army. During this period of time Jessie was totally a figment of my imagination. Mentally though, she was as strong as ever. Sweet memories of smooth legs, silky stockings and lingerie intensified how much I missed the physical essence of Jessie. Adding insult to injury, my tour in Southeast Asia was in Thailand.  Thailand of course, is the home of some the most beautiful “lady boys” in the world. I could admire the art form but couldn’t participate!  I was not stationed in Bangkok so I didn’t get to see the best of the best but I do remember a “katoy” (boy/girl) who spent a lot of time outside the front gate at the base. He was tall and beautiful! We all were known to pick up a girl or two on occasion. It would have been difficult to pick him up discreetly but it could have been one of those life changing experiences. I never got to Katmandu (which was only a couple of hours from Thailand) and I never tried to pick the “katoy” up. The only two regrets I can remember!
The good part for Jessie during this time was her return was becoming a reality!
The tour in Thailand came and went and Germany became the next stop. Wedged in between was leave time at home plus a brief stop at a base in the states. Thirty days was plenty of time to let Jessie out and let her breathe some fresh air! Thirty days was also long enough to shave the legs for a week or so with “grow back” time.  I had the budget to treat her to a shopping trip and was in heaven the night she stepped out of the shadows once again. It was kind of like riding a bicycle. I was afraid she would be out of practice with the makeup and clothes but it all came as second nature for her. Just a small insight into how much she dominated my personality and how close to the surface she really was. The freshly shaved legs, the soft perfume, clothes and hair made me wonder what a “real girl” would feel in the same situation!
I knew what this girl felt. The night should go on forever!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Jewelry Fashionistas!

One of the malls in the area just opened a store called "Charming Charlies" Of course I had to check it out.  My window shopping indicated it was a wonderful store full of purses and jewelery and other accessories. I couldn't wait for it to open!
I was able to shop it yesterday and was not disappointed.  My only problem was I did not have enough money to buy of one many items.
Maybe you are lucky enough to have one these in your area. If not they have a web site
Check it out!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Right Place-Right Time-Right Mirror.

Returned home yesterday from an extended weekend mini trip and I had time to head out to my favorite Tuesday night spot. Cool!
Tossed on a predetermined outfit (often the best kind) and headed out the door . With me over thinking is over rated!
Arrived in time to get the last seat which I was grateful for until I could move to a "mirror seat". If you a "card carrying" TG girl, you know how important a mirror can be. You can check your appearance and see if anyone else is checking you. If you do it right.
All of it worked to perfection last night as a middle aged guy slid in beside me and ordered dinner. After he ate we struck up a lite conversation about where he was from, sports and his work.
The place was noisy, so we had to lean into each other to talk which he didn't seem to mind. There was no way to turn fully and talk face to face, so I could watch most of the interaction in the mirror in front of us. He was standing and I was sitting on a bar stool, so he was probably 6 to 8 " above me.
All I could see was a dark haired girl close to this guy leaning down ever so slightly to talk to her.
I was in heaven! Everything around me became a blur. I wished it could have lasted forever-but of course it didn't.
We went our separate ways.
He'll never know what a fun time it was! Hope it was for him too!

Building a Huge Bridge

  Image from UnSplash. When you cross the binary gender border from male to female, anyway you cut it, you need to be ready to build a huge ...