Showing posts with label Roxxy Andrews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Roxxy Andrews. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Just Drag

Roxxxy Andrews / Drag /The other day on one of the daytime talk shows I actually heard a drag queen explain in coherent non gender slurring terms why he started doing drag.  Of course he went as far as to say it and made a clear case of being gay and his partner not liking the "procedures" he was going through to look more feminine for his drag act. In no way did he feel like or want to be a woman.

In celebration of him not using the "Tr__ny" word, here is Roxxxy Andrews (not the queen on the show)-looking good!

Back Up Plans

  JJ Hart visiting Key Largo. Following several near misses as a novice transgender woman out into the world, I began to smarten up and have...