Showing posts with label Dr. Phil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Phil. Show all posts

Friday, December 4, 2015

You Know Your Are Old When?

Without a doubt I have visited more Doc's of different persuasions in the past six months than in the past 20 years. I'm just lucky to have my VA coverage to help me.

Last week was a down time with just my mammogram and a trip to my psychologist. Next week though, I visit my endocrinologist (to see if I can restart my estrogen). Plus I have what I call "vampire day" when they take a pint of my blood and I give another couple of vials for them to check for results.

But you know, before you feel the need to pass the cheese to me to go with my "whine", I can't believe all the others I have ran into lately with problems I can't even imagine. And my heart goes out to all of them.

Last night for example, Liz and I went to one of our small meet up groups. Out of ten or so women in the room, I was the only one transgender and born male. After three fourths of the experiences of violence and drug abuse from current or ex husband/boyfriends-I was ashamed to have ever walked in my guy shoes. 

As I have always wrote in Cyrsti's Condo, males are not born men-just as females are not born women. Both are socialized.

And, speaking of gender socialization, Dr. Phil recently had a show about an intersex child who was being raised as a boy by Mom and a girl by Dad (divorced).

As you all know, I rarely recommend Dr. Phil, but this is a quality show. 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Cyrsti's Cotndo "Sunday Edition"

Ker Plunk! Listen up! Another Sunday Edition is hitting your virtual front porch. Around here, Momma Nature is doing her best to provide a beautiful cool fall Sunday morning along the Ohio River in Southwestern Ohio. In fact I'm taking advantage of her gift by writing this morning outside. Let's get our "Cup o Joe" and get started!

Page One-The Week that Was or Wasn't: The surprise of the week for me was the Thursday "Dr. Phil" Show transgender episode.I was completely surprised when Dr. Phil "counseled" a young trans woman's step father concerning her transition-which in my book she was managing to destroy in every conceivable way she could. In fact, it took a visit from transgender Navy Seal Krisitn Beck to provide real insights.My fave moment came when Step Dad in a moment of ultra confusion called Kristin an "it".  Dr. Phil cautioned him later never call a Navy Seal an "it"-he could get kicked over the roof.

Page Two.- "Movin Picture Shows": Friday night after my speaking engagement, Liz and I had a chance to see a new "movin picture show" which was just opening called "Grandma". All I can really tell you about the movie is we enjoyed it immensely, it stars Lily Tomlin and transgender actress Lavern Cox has a role. 

Also, yesterday I received a message in one of my emails concerning a "Romance/Murder Mystery" which involves a trans "protagonist." At the beginning of the message and link, I was dismissing it out of hand-until-I read more about it. So, in a later post, I will pass along the link to the project and you can make your own decision. At this point, I can only say (from what I have seen) the movie will walk a fine line between the interaction between a transgender woman and her "admirer."

Page Three: Opinion: It's been a big Sunday edition this week as we deal with all sorts of contentious trans issues. Let's throw in another and call it "Shape Shifting." That's right-shape shifting. Friday night at the "Love Must Win" get together, another transgender woman named "Steph" (as I mentioned) spoke also. Her story was vastly different than mine in many areas yet so similar in others. The biggest similarity came when she said her journey to her present was not as clear cut as many of the trans kids (like Jazz Jennings) are today. Similar to my story. She also detailed briefly her cross dressing years- Still perceived as a negative somehow by trans "purists"." As I normally do, I began to backtrack in my noggin the next day about our "cross dressing" years and how I could even explain them somehow as my "shape shifting years." We will see.

Page Four: The Back Page: Today did mark a sad milestone in my life as I removed my last estrogen patches from my body. On the positive side, I have steeled myself to the point of living longer is my ultimate goal. If by chance the opportunity to begin estrogen again comes my way again-great. If it doesn't, at least I can thank my Goddess for letting me live it for awhile.

In the meantime, I hope you all have a wonderful day and as always-thanks for taking your valuable time and stopping by Cyrsti's Condo. "Luv ya" all!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Dr. Phil - Meet Kristin Beck

Liz is a bigger Dr. Phil fan than I am. So, I cringed when she couldn't wait to tell me the "Philster" was actually going to tackle a transgender topic today.

More precisely, the show was about a former trans military cop who was cutting a wide swath through her family as she transitioned. Her step Dad at the beginning of the show was so upset he was shaking and I was afraid he was going to hyper-ventilate. Her wife? Seemingly without much warning, the transgender woman said she now liked men and wanted out.

No surprises right? Dr. Phil is going to rush in and tell the newly minted trans woman to stop or at least slow down. 

Wrong...spoiler alert...former Navy Seal Kristin Beck was called in. (Transgender herself) -To add perspective and perspective she did. Her main point with Step Dad was being transgender is not a choice and Dr. Phil backed Kristin 110 %! Kristin also told the trans woman to "slow down" with her transgender "puberty" and don't destroy all of those who love her.

Dr.Phil did a wonderful job of asking Step Dad if he could even consider a person could be "hardwired" into a non birth gender. After miss pronouning Kristin to the point of calling her an "it", Phil finally made it through-with a final warning-never call a Navy Seal an it!!! He could get kicked over the building.

Liz made me swear I would not tell any of you how impressed I was with this the point of tears.

So I won't. Except to say follow the link above to find it!

Preparing to Lose

  JJ Hart speaking at a Cincinnati Trans Wellness  Conference. When I first began to explore my transgender womanhood in public, I was rejec...