Friday, October 13, 2023

Visiting the Doctor

This morning I completed my latest visit to my Veteran's Administration health primary provider. She is the equivalent to someone's family doctor. 

Most importantly, once again I was greeted warmly and treated with respect which wasn't always the case in the VA clinic I go to. Early on, I was not treated well. Almost to the point I felt as if I would have to file an official complaint against one woman who insisted on calling me "sir." 

Imagine my surprise this morning when the nurse who was checking me in had a special place on the form for transgender woman. I know several times I had responded to LGBTQ survey's from the VA exploring our needs in the system. I guess they were listening and finally responded. I know several other veterans read the blog who interact with various levels of the VA health system and have had differing results. I am just happy to report mine have been very positive recently.

Now, onto the important news. Today, all my vitals were good including weight, blood pressure, heart and lungs sounded good. In addition, I had my bi-annual blood labs taken and a flu shot. The lead vampire lady who does all the lab work as always was very nice and instructed the student following her around I was one of her favorite patients and referred to me as "she."

Perhaps the only negative was I have to have another colonoscopy early next year. It has only been one year since my last one and due to the fact they found three polyps so they wanted to see me again relatively soon for yet another fun filled experience. I look at it this way, the alternative is much worse. 

So until the results of my blood labs come back, I can rest assured I am in (knock on wood) pretty good health and I even was able to make an appointment for the next available Covid vaccine. 

At least I don't have to worry how I will be treated due to being transgender when I go back. 

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