Sunday, June 27, 2021

Out...and About


As you can see by the selfie, Liz and I did make it out last night to enjoy eating at one of our favorite restaurants. 

The food was good and I was able to show off my quite expensive dental work.

Aside from the woman who sat us, our server was was adequate but friendly and referred to us as "ladies." 

Also from yesterday, I commented on the heat wave going on out West. I mentioned Connie who lives in Seattle. Since Seattle isn't used to such intense heat, a large percentage of the population doesn't have air conditioning. 

Does Connie? Let's find out:

"Well, the thermometer on our deck is reading 110, and it's only 3:00 pm! The composite decking may be influencing the thermometer to read higher than the actual temp, but it showed 98 when it was in the shade earlier. Anyway, I'm glad I'm not working outside today, although we're one of the 67% of residences that does not have AC here in Seattle, so being inside is not so great, either. I discovered that I've collected seven electric fans over the years, though. I wish I had that many fans left for my musical career, and I know what may still remain is not very electric anymore. :-)

The worst part of this heat is that I have to wear a wig! Of course, I could go without it, but I don't think the skin on top of my head is my (as you put it) most valuable beauty commodity."

Stay cool all. As you can see I have my mane of hair pulled back to stay cool. 

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Seasons Change

  Image from Jamiethlene Reskspe on UnSplash. It appears that Spring has quit teasing us here in Southern Ohio and is finally here to stay. ...