Monday, May 20, 2019

A Busy Week

This week is turning out to be a busy one.

Today (Monday) has turned out to be a rush day in order for Liz to get into one of her Doctor's early this afternoon. We will no more than turn around from her trip this morning into her office for her evaluation, then we will have to go back in the same area for her appointment. It was a rush job because she has been trying to get into her Doc for two weeks now. They just happened to have an opening this afternoon.

Tuesday is going to be very busy, I have three appointments at the Dayton, Ohio VA Medical Center. Which includes a support group meeting. I haven't been to this group for awhile due to having to drive back in extreme rush hour traffic. At least this time, I have been able to schedule all the appointments the same day. The other two appointments are with my therapist and the Doctor who prescribes my Bi-Polar meds.

While we are on the subject of meds, I finally did get a call from my endocrinologist nurse saying my Potassium level was back tn normal and she asked the strength of estradiol patches I was on. So maybe I am still in the running to have my dosage increased slightly.

Moving on to Wednesday, I have figured out what I am going to wear to my Grand-daughter's high school graduation. Because we still haven't purchased another car yet, I am going to rent on for the eighty mile trip (one way) to meet the rest of my daughter's family. Being the efficient person I am not, I still have to pick up a graduation card and a gift.

Once I get past the graduation, the rest of the week seems to be very mellow. Although, what we are doing Saturday is still undetermined.

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