Sunday, September 30, 2018

Equal Time

I received a dare to publish this comment and I am not sure I know why, except I was a little flippant in my brief discussion of the recent Kavanaugh hearings: Believe it or not, I try to not dwell on my politics here here in Cyrsti's Condo.

" I just felt uplifted watching Dr. Ford and slimy after watching Kavanaugh testify yesterday". (my comment)

"I find it very sad and disturbing that so many people are buying in so unthinkingly into what is so obviously a scorched earth strategy of smear and destroy ANYBODY nominated to SCOTUS by President Trump.
This strategy was made clear by numerous Democratic party leaders in early July when they clearly and publicly laid out their stated strategy to use "any means necessary" to block ANY nominee to SCOTUS by Trump.
What you are ignoring is a very well executed and perfectly time smear attack"
There you go! Thanks! 

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