Thursday, July 21, 2016

Keeping A Breast of the Situation

Not surprisingly,  I received quite a few comments concerning my post on hormone replacement therapy and breast development. First Shelle:

I researched for at least 100 hours before beginning the self administration of Hormones,I felt I was having really great results,but then turned my treatment over to the VA while I was able to keep some of my regime,much of it was eliminated because they follow Wpath,which isn't necessarily the best method for us but all they are willing to put in place no matter the results or world standards.The standards should be updated based on results of worldwide records and research,just my thoughts.When I began my own my research indicated that mimicking then hormones in a pubescent teenage girl would provide the best results,That's my story it worked for me and I'm sticking to it!"

Good point Shelle there is no right answer here but again I have to point out you just can't buy a bunch of mail order estrogen and starting popping the pills like candy!

Robin said:" Funny you talk about breasts, I'm pre everything, and I'm bigger then most women. I measured myself for a bra. Band 50, cup D ??. I see myself more a B. Yes I'm a big person."

Robin if you are familiar with Stana and the Femulate blog, I believe according to her, she has also been well endowed since puberty.

I have always thought we have a couple things we can work through as we transition. Weight is one (I managed to take off and keep off close to 45 pounds) and skin condition. The rest can be done through feminine smoke and mirrors. Simply look around closely and you can see many cis women do it too. The best ones just don't seem to show they are trying.

Plus it is important to keep trying and just know the great majority of us are not blessed with natural beauty. You will have more errors than successes as you transition. Going back to the drawing board time and time again is a very real possibility for trans women. Learning to draw is just not that easy with no teacher most of the time!

So, as you can see, keeping a breast of the situation is such a small part of the whole woman you want to be.

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