I have bought the NY Daily News every day for over 40 years. Last month I was reminded that it had been a real newspaper back in the days when they republished their entire paper from the day after JFK was killed. The headline this week on the front page was "Go Duck Yourself". It has sadly become more of a propaganda rag than a newspaper.
As a side note, recently I had a person who showed up on Facebook with a comment on the show. She was evidently part of the New York Media elitists and was standing up for good old "Phil". I agreed with her, he has the right to say what he believes. Who cares? Don't watch the show, don't buy their products. My warm and fuzzies stopped when she went into a mini side discussion of how "all of them" work so hard to entertain all of us. Really? "Me thinks" they need to work harder to entertain the faceless minions out here in nowhere land.
I guess my two years in NYC taught me, to many peeps there, the country is a vast wasteland until you get to California. Many New Yorkers I came in contact with in the restaurant I worked were only barely aware of Texas and tied me into it because of my southern Ohio accent. So I'm with you Pat, it was a planned stunt. I do know now though that at least in one house where it was watched, it is now banned.
My girlfriend's son was a fan. He may still be but better not get caught watching it. It's the only recourse we as a transgender culture have, force the media bigots to build their ratings on someone else's back. While I'm on my soap box, I have warned cross dressers in the past to not ignore transgressions such as Phil. Someday you may change and decide to identify as trans or even gay and life may be easier if you aren't getting smashed in the media.
There, I feel better now! I'm back in my Christmas eve glow. Now where are my green elf tights?
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