Thursday, August 26, 2010

"Transdar" are You on the Screen?

If you've ever heard of "gaydar" (intuitively feeling someone is gay), "transdar" is the same. Forget flamboyant males and ultra masculine women. (Nothing wrong with either) Transdar occurs when you see a person that almost looks 100 % female-but is not quite.
I've been in line at stores dressed as either gender when I've seen girls that just weren't.  That's fine. That's me sometimes. I was shopping one day with my wife as a guy and happened to come across a very petite well dressed middle aged women in the dress section.  I really did not give her a second thought until the attractive face shot me a very male "leave me alone" glance. Wow, did she ever realize how much she ruined it?
Here is a better example.
One night I was watching a game in a neighborhood bar I used to frequent. Again I was dressed as a guy.
Two guys and an attractive large blond came in. They only stood out to me initially because I had never seen them in there before.
After a while, I began to notice the blond. Attractive with a low cut top showing a lot of cleavage. Every time she turned her face  a certain angle, it said male.
I then proceeded to look for the obvious. Adam's Apple not evident but neither is mine. Voice a little deeper but not a giveaway.
I even asked the bartender if she had ever seen her before and even asked if she thought she was really a girl?
She said yes and no she had never seen her before.
Should have asked if she thought the blond had started life as a girl. That question would have been way too difficult!
I will truly never know if my "transdar" was working correctly that night or not. I believe it was and I was just observing a pre or even post op girl with her own breasts.
Some folks are just going to have a "transdar" function built in. Maybe they have a friend or a family member who is transgendered.
How do you beat "transdar"? Confidence girls. Dress, carry and act like the girl of your dreams and you just might become her.

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The Gender Envelope

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