Tuesday, August 21, 2018

I Passed!

At least, I got off to a good start with my voice instructor and passed my first homework assignment.

Some days I work harder on it than others naturally, so I had my doubts how it would go. So now I have progressed up from just words and sounds to full blown phrases already. I can only say it is one of the toughest things I have ever done and I suppose if you have any vocal (musical) training at all, you know what I am talking about...no pun intended.

Next I have to add a recommended voice pitch app on my phone to solidify my gains.

Not to pat myself on my back but the other transgender women before me must have been unable or unwilling to follow instructions to improve. I think that because of all the feedback I received.

As far as the other "passing" goes, I wore one of my loose sleeveless tops with a pair of "Jeggings" and tennis shoes for my long walk back and forth to the car. I received no feedback except for a "Hello Honey" from a stray guy.

So all went well.

Today I go back for my "pill pusher" appointment and my LGBTQ  veterans support group which is normally always interesting.

More to come tomorrow.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Travel Days

Coming up on Monday is my second voice lesson. We will see (or hear) how it goes. As far as my homework goes, I could have been more detail orientated but at the least, I have some idea of where to go and I can feel my vocal chords expand and contract. We will find out soon enough how much of a change I will experience with my new instructor.

Tuesday, is essentially a dual appointment. I need to see the person who monitors all my medications to make sure they are up to date. Then it's time for my VA LGBT transgender support group. I have added the LGBT to the title, because lately, we have had several gay men and the occasional lesbian visit.
Club Diversity, Columbus, Ohio

As I think abut it, "The Occasional Lesbian" could be a wonderful title for a book or movie.

Finally, later in the week, Liz (my partner) and I are taking one of our overnight get away's up to Columbus, Ohio. While we are there, we are planning to retrace our steps to one of our favorite hangouts, Club Diversity. If you happen to ever find yourself in Columbus, "Club D" is the place to go for a fine martini and a very inclusive environment.  In fact, the owner is transgender.

I still have to figure out what I am going to wear for the weekend. But, what the heck, I still have plenty of time to check out how the weather is supposed to be and work my way from there.

It's going to be a busy week!

Saturday, August 18, 2018


All too soon it seems, it is time to say goodbye to the incomparable Aretha Franklin.

In comparison to all her other wonderful hits, her rendition of "A Natural Woman" for many of us, made the top all time lists of transgender hits.

Plus, for those of us who are more mature - :), her earlier hits such as R.E.S.P..E.C.T, set the standard for early woman's rights.  A fight which continues unabated to this day.

Aretha Franklin was also a great gospel artist to go along with her other attributes.

Rest in Power Aretha, you will be missed.

Why Not Me?

  Image from Danielle la Rosa Messina on UnSplash Going through life, I was very insecure concerning many things. I always had a difficult t...