Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Ms. Ying and Mr. Yang

In all the transgender flurry about who is more trans or trans at all-many times the fact that very few humans fit neatly into a binary gender package is discussed,

Here is an example from Malaysia:

Cosmetics millionaire Sofea Ilias has gone back to being a transwoman after a brief stint living in her biological male identity.
The 22-year-old said on top of the insults she had still received while trying to live as a man with the name Safiey, she missed her life as a transgender where she felt empowered.
“I am actually quite tired of trying to be good and to come back to the right path. Whatever I do, there will still be people who are dissatisfied and who’ll question me.
Image result for Sofea IliasBefore you correct me, I see a couple errors with what I just wrote. The first being- Sofea has incredible "passing priviledge" and the second is - why would she want to cross genders? Here is more:

"Sofea added that she has gotten fed up of dealing with her critics and said going back to her transgender lifestyle would give her peace of mind.
“I am tired of entertaining all the accusations and allegations. When I tried to be good, still people went around talking.
“I’d rather be myself and make myself happy in my own way,” she stressed.
Sofea, who owns a cosmetic company, reportedly tried to go back to being a man at the end of last year.
Entertainment daily Kosmo! reported Sofea as getting rid of her breast implants last April after she went for breast surgery at age 19."
- See more here.
And, oh yes-by the way very few humans fit into the 100 percent male or female category, but don't tell men that.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

JJ's Sunday Edition

KerPlunk! Another Sunday Edition is hitting your virtual front porch. First the weather.
We have a glorious Sunday going on here in Ohio, but I hope most of you were able to dodge the East Coast hurricane. It's a great day for an iced cup o joe!!!!

Page One: the Week that Was - or Wasn't. As the restroom battles continued through the week, political hysteria continued to the point of being completely tedious and we have such a long way to go.  I am doing my best to stay out of discussions with friends and keep most of my opinions to my self. For me (who majored in History, Poli Sci and B.S. that's tough.

Page Two: Yesterday's Coffee-Opinion: After Labor Day, we enter what is called "Indian Summer" which teases us with the freshness of Fall with the remnants of Summer heat and humidity. It's the time of year when clothing choices and overall wardrobe condition are so important. Plus this year Liz and I are traveling to Maine at the end of the month, which makes for greater challenges. However, I am looking forward to the challenge!

Page Three: The Back Page: Well kids, it's time to go enjoy this day!!! Hope you all are well :)


We Got Mail!

We received several great responses to our Sex Versus Gender Post (Thanks!).
The first is from JoannaS:

Hi Cyrsti I feel it's about personal choice and whether you are happy as you are. If your gender dysphoria is mitigated. Since you and I are gynephilic what would be gained? And yes people who aren't trans don't get it not sure that's going to change any time soon"

And from Mandy: "That's a tough one...getting the public to understand. And the ball appears to be rolling the wrong way right now. Not sure if the political mess will ever permit it to happen...

Just remember to vote in November..."

I agree!!!!!

And Connie:
I would say that a person's strong need (or even only a desire) to have a vagina can only be determined to be a good thing by the person herself. I agree that she must put much thought into how it may affect her current, as well as future, relationships - sexual or not. There is still much of sex that takes place between the ears (no, I'm not referring to the mouth), and it is impossible to completely separate gender from it. The scales of both sexual preference and gender identity fit together like a slide rule (if you're a nerd old enough to remember those), with an infinite number of combinations. As I said in my comment to your earlier post, sex (that which is only between my ears) would only be desirable for me now if I had had a vagina, and with another woman who desired me sexually with said vagina - as well as all of the rest of me.

 I don't need sex to live a meaningful life, however, and so I can reasonably expect that I will never have a sexual relation with anyone again. I'm not less of a woman because I have a penis, but I'm not a man just because I happen to have one; that's how I see myself. Only a very few others can see that, though. Furthermore, I wouldn't be more of a woman because I'd had my penis surgically altered into a vagina. Maybe a few others would understand me better if I did, but only because I would be moving myself along the binary scale with which they are more comfortable. This all goes toward what I've said many times before, that being the fact that we all have our own realities, and we draw conclusions of others based on that. It's funny, though, that our individual fantasies are derived from our individual realities. Now, that can be on a sliding scale, as well, but it can also be a slippery slope."

  • I have always thought cis women as well as men have some sort of sexual curiosity towards transgender women and trans men. Plus cis women don't have the tendency to be paranoiac about their sexuality as cis men. Which indeed can make for strange bed fellows or women!

The Grand Search for Discovery

  Image from Gints Gallis on UnSplash. Along the path to transgender womanhood, I made many discoveries.  It wasn't until I finally made...