Saturday, March 21, 2015

Cyrsti's Condo "From the Hart"

Bad advice:"If I was you...Well you aren't, so move on."
From the Hart.

Changing of the Seasons

Yesterday of course was the first day of Spring or the Spring Equinox.  As such, Liz's Wicca group celebrated with a meet up.  As I have said several times here in Cyrsti's Condo, I am still very much the "new kid" in the group. Also, many of the rituals mean something different to me. A prime example was last night.

Rather than celebrating the actual rebirth of the Earth around us after a long dreary winter, (Yay!) I saw the process as a celebration of Spring arriving in my life. I was putting my old life behind me (winter) and most importantly, the future possibilities are endless.

The true shame would be if I didn't make the most of them!

Salted Rum Martini's and More!

This is one of those 'catch all' Cyrsti's Condo posts.

My current diet has sadly 'weaned' me from my love of craft beer, or at the least, slowed my consumption. Rightly or wrongly though, I have picked up tasty adult beverage 'supplements' . My latest find is called a "Salted Rum Martini". It's incredibly good - made with Rumchata, Salted Karamel Stoli Vodka, mixed in a martini glass drizzled with caramel. It's also an incredibly "girly drink" to sit at a bar  and sip. Notice I said "sip"!

Next, congrats go out to Paula (across the pond in Britain) who finished the process of changing her gender markers! Many don't realize a transgender transition process involves much more than mere passing privilege. Way to go Paula!

Finally, for all of you who know my partner Liz is a Wicca. Yesterday, she located an on line book on the subject of transgender pagans. I will be downloading it soon and pass along anything I find interesting.

Plus, I just can't end this post without mentioning the incredibly dangerous bill which passed in Indiana which could block all kinds of LGBT freedoms under the guise of personal 'religious freedom." The biggest problem of course is we trans are more visible than the 'L's n G's". It is easier to "hide gay" which makes us a bigger target. Fortunately movements are underway to shine the spotlight on companies not to support in Indiana. On Twitter look for #BoycottIndiana.

Out of My Mind, Into the World

Image from the JJ Hart Archives. There were many times during my transgender transition I was thinking I was somehow out of my mind.  I even...