Wednesday, December 12, 2012

All That Trans Jazz

Recently Barbra Walters and ABC revisited Jazz a young 12 year old transgender girl (below) who decided  to transition when she was seven. (above)
Among other things, Jazz talked about dating and that she is attracted to boys. When asked if she was worried about finding a boyfriend, she replied: 'I am a little bit. But if any of the boys decline me because of my situation then I just know they’re not right for me at all.'

For more on Jazz's update, go here.

Thai & Russian Trans Beauties

The Thai transgender contestant above's picture presents a striking contrast of innocence, beauty, youth and resolve.

To the left is a Russian - Stas Fedyanin - from the EnglishRussian web site:  "Yes, this is not a girl. He is 180 cm (5,9 ft) tall, his weight – 45 kg (99 pounds). Believe it or not, but he is straight, even has a girlfriend and doesn’t plan to change his sex. He is an androgyne (a transgender individual who does not cleanly fit into binary male or female)."

99 pounds? Really?
So much for the cold war!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Horror Scope

I just have to say I conjure up great fun for myself when I read my "Horror-Scopes"  here in Cyrsti's Condo. But when I look at the stars and see a word such as psycho- I really get excited!

Libra Peeps here you go:
September 23-October 22): Potential energy transforms to kinetic energy, so if this means going a little psycho, well, you’re human. The point is, win under any circumstances! Play for keeps and know your next moves well in advance, because to deserve this victory, you’ll need to know how to rule with consistency and be prepared for anything.

For the the rest of you boring critters, get yours here at theFrisky.  "Horror-Scope" is my term-not theirs!

Feeling the Pain

  Image from Eugenia  Maximova  on UnSplash. Learning on the fly all I needed to know concerning my authentic life as a transgender woman of...