Showing posts with label pictures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pictures. Show all posts

Monday, December 23, 2013

What's in a Picture?

Frock Transgender Magazine for transsexuals, crossdressers, drag artistes and all transgendered people everywherePictures or "selfies" in the modern world could mean anything. With the advent of photo shop programs, certainly we can all put our best foot (or face) forward and we don't even have to be a celebrity to do it. If you can afford to do it, professional "photo" businesses can do wonders for us if they know what they are doing.

I'm sure by now you have seen the new blog "banner pix" and it was taken primarily at the request of Katie Glover, the editor of Frock Magazine.  Katie and I have literally for years tried to get together on an article I could write for her magazine.  Proud to say, I finally did it and I will have more info later here in Crysti's Condo. Note!!! I am NOT the cover girl you see on the left.

So, the new picture you see above is simply me. No filters of any kind. What you see is what you get on a sunny winter day in Cincinnati, Ohio.   I have to tell you the process was and is agony for me.  Not looking for support or sympathy here, but I know my 64 year old, been through a bunch of wear and tear male body does not present feminine well often...BUT I do just fine in the world.

My point to all of you is, appearance is not the be all, end all to the transgender transition process.  The other "A" word attitude is right up there too. Pat, around the Condo writes about it too.  When you know yourself and feel secure with yourself, all sorts of fun happenings are possible.

It's a bit early for New Year's resolutions I know.  This year though, make sure you add in a liberal share of thought and ideas for those resolutions for your girl self.  If you are looking to venture out of the closet in 2014 make sure you take her attitude with you!

Christmas Lights and the Trans Girl

  Clifton Mill's Holiday Lights. When I was first exploring the world as a novice transgender woman, I set up a small bucket list of act...