Showing posts with label Log Cabin Republican. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Log Cabin Republican. Show all posts

Saturday, August 17, 2019


Perhaps by now you have heard the Log Cabin repugs have come out (no pun intended) and voiced their support of resident rump. What upsets me is the stories I see which call the Cabiners a LGBT group.  Sure, and I don't know this for sure, there may be privileged gay cis men in the group who don't care about any LGBT rights other that they already have. But are they a majority?

What I don't understand though, is why they would support an administration which is so actively trying to trying to take our rights away. How are they going to react when their legal same sex marriages come under attack.

Perhaps too, maybe you have noticed I haven't even mentioned the continued attacks on transgender rights. I guess we have no rights either with the Log Cabin Republicans.

On a brighter side, Laverne Cox maybe the first transgender actor to win an Emmy! From Out:

 "In 2014, Laverne Cox became the first transgender person to be nominated for a primetime acting Emmy for her work on Orange Is the New Black. Cox was not only the face of the transgender tipping point, she helped humanize trans folks through her dynamic performance as Sophia Burset. 
In the final season of Orange, which premiered this summer, Sophia was largely absent — something Cox said was mostly due to a scheduling issue — but did make a final, triumphant appearance as the new owner of her own salon (thanks to a prison settlement). While many of Orange Is the New Black’s characters had tragic endings, something the creators felt was necessary to illustrate the many ways the correctional system ruins lives rather than rehabilitating them, Sophia was one of the few who was gifted with a happy ending, something all too rare for trans women of color in the real world."
For more, go here.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Just a couple more Ideas I ran across recently.

Our CBS affiliate here in Cincinnati last Sunday, ran a segment on a gender-less society. The basic premise was, all the transgender bathroom ruckus will be a thing of the past as more and more millennials just don't see the problem, and it's true.

I call them dinosaurs. The radicals running through Target screaming with a bible all the way down to the "average Joe" on the street. Many have gray hair and are fighting the losing battle against much of corporate America who realizes the impact of LGBT spending. Plus consider this:
Companies are beginning to approve insurance coverage for genital reassignment surgery and I read the average cis woman today is equal in size to the average cis man in the 1960's.

I don't know how long it took for the dinosaurs to go extinct and I am sure ours today will never go away completely, but you can sure feel the winds of change.

Plus, I read we should be on the outlook for a Democratic party resurgence on the local and state levels soon. If you know what a "Log Cabin Republican" is, there is also middle point between both parties. Check them out on the link.
Log Cabin Republicans

Finally, if you really want to help the cause this year, get registered to vote and check what the candidates stand for on the "social level".

The Light in the Mirror

  Image from Alessandro  Bianchi  on UnSplash. I spend quite a bit of time here attacking my mirror when I was growing up. Recently, I have ...