Showing posts with label Jill Soloway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jill Soloway. Show all posts

Thursday, June 25, 2015

More Than Coffee with Mick Dodge?

All this time my friend Connie who lives in Seattle has represented the city and the Pacific Northwest as more as survivalists living in the woods (Mick Dodge) and a convenience store coffee stop at every corner!!! Turns out she may be right.

Aneesh Sheth produces and is featured in "CRAVE," an online series that she hopes to raise enough money through Kickstarter to produce. (Photo via screengrab at
Aneesh Sheth
From the Seattle Globalist: Seattle webseries aims for depth in transgender story lines. -and why:

"With the positive reception of Laverne Cox’s breakout role in “Orange is the New Black” and Jill Soloway’s “Transparent,” scripted television shows are increasingly featuring transgender characters. But for Seattle-based trans activist, producer, and artist Aneesh Sheth, rarely do these representations dare to be different."

Sheth says her webseries “CRAVE” will bring a depth to stories about transgender characters that she’s been hoping to see.
“I definitely find my ethnicity and stories like mine absent from the latest trends of trans stories out there,” Sheth said. “Trans visibility to me is exactly what ‘CRAVE’ is hoping to do; get more stories out there that don’t rely on sensationalizing trans people and their lives. Yes, the main character is trans, and yes it is important to point that out- but only to show people, ‘Hey! Look! Here’s a trans person too and they’re just living their lives like everyone else!’”
Sheth has launched a Kickstarter to get her project off the ground. The campaign is active until July 6."
Here is a link to the campaign. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Mtf Transgender Writer Lady J
I know it is a fairly radical idea to have a transgender person write or portray a trans person in a movie, television show or play-but it recently happened on Transparent!

According to OutwardBack in October, things got a bit testy between Jill Soloway, the creator of Amazon’s wonderful series Transparent, and Jenji Kohan of Orange Is the New Black during a New Yorker Festival panel on the state and future of LGBTQ TV. At issue was the question of whether one’s identity necessarily had any connection with one’s skill at producing art related to that identity—a rather ancient bugaboo in art criticism, but one made newly relevant by the sudden (and greatly welcome) advent of transgender characters in the media. Soloway insisted that she could not imagine continuing to make a show about a trans woman (Maura, played by Jeffrey Tambor) without having a trans woman on the writing staff, arguing that “it’s absolutely necessary, and it’s gonna change the show.” Kohan, while valuing diversity in the writers room, bristled at the idea of hiring a writer because of her identity rather than her skillset: “What you are in life shouldn’t automatically make you what you do in your art. It doesn’t necessarily translate,” Kohan said.

Let's be careful out there folks...we trans peeps just might have a little more insight into our lives than you think!!!

Born This Way

Image from Vonecia Carswell on UnSplash.   I had no choice; I was born with gender issues which I would have to deal with my entire life. It...