Sunday, January 1, 2023

A New Year

Happy New Years from
Liz (left) and I

 It doesn't seem possible but 2022 is history and it's time to face a new year. I do believe the older you get, the more time flies.

Looking back at the year gone by, I suppose I should mention a few highlights or even low points. The major highlight  of 2022 was my continued relatively good health. Without your health you have nothing. The major test I passed in the year gone by was a clear mammogram. I hope I never have to experience the irony of developing breast cancer in the breasts I so desperately wanted. To the point of the long term hormone replacement therapy which now is a big part of the developing of hips I am experiencing. It's another development I take for granted but shouldn't. 

Another major 2022 happening was when Liz and I were married. Since we had been together for eleven years, my daughter finally said why don't you two get married. And we did during a small ceremony with a few family members. It all turned out to be a low key start to the rest of our married life. I guess low key could be a good descriptor for the rest of the year.

Liz and I did manage once a month to get out and explore sometimes new places to eat or visit a couple long time favorites. My lack of walking ability restricted a few of the big events such as Cincinnati Pride but as long as walking wasn't a big priority, I was up to it. Just getting out into the public's eye helped me reinforce my confidence in presenting well as a transgender woman. My lack of being able to be as mobile as I wanted to be was one of the low points of the year. It's also one I hope to do better with in the upcoming year.

Another big positive was discovering Medium as another writers platform. While the content is the same as here on Blogger, Medium gives me a whole new audience to write for plus a chance to make a few dollars which helps to offset my hours of work.  As always I deeply appreciate all of you who stop by either platform to read my efforts. Thank you!

By far the low point of 2022 was the influx of anti-transgender and potential LGBT bills being pushed by a certain political party. In some states the politicians are trying to legislate we transgender people out of existence. Sadly, it is only going to get worse in 2023. We are just going to become more politically active to fight the gender bigots. What the bigots don't realize LGBT individuals all ready have developed a core strength which we can use to fight back. 2023 will have to witness our strength

Whatever the case, I hope you have a warm, safe and festive New Years!.  

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