Saturday, October 9, 2021

A Lifetime of Transition

 Georgette, a fellow "more mature" transgender woman sent this comment in from the "Medium" writing format.:

"I read most all of these Late in Life Transition stories, Not for any real knowledge, But to get some perspective of what took so many years for so many to finally make the jump Gender Wise,

I am one of the few that made that jump over 45+ years ago, Like so many others during my youth in the 50s-60s I couldn't understand what was "wrong" with me,

I was accidentally outed when in the US Navy (69-74) around 72/73, I was sure my life was ended but the Navy surprised me and was not discharged,

Because of that I had to find out all I could at the time, TG was not in much use yet, TS and "Gender Identity Disorder" were just starting to be understood more,

The result was from 74-77 I quickly made all the Transition happen with the Final SRS in 77, And lived with my partner (Also Post TS) till she died in 2014,

Since coming back out to a much changed LGBT+ world, I have met SO many (Way too many) late bloomers,

Much of what I have heard from them is "If I had known back then what is known now life would have different",

I have a hard time with relating to most all of the current TG/TS people that I meet,

I will read some more on your travels in all this."

Thanks for the comment! I was in the Army from 1972-1975.

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Finding your Happy Place as a Trans Girl

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