Thursday, February 25, 2021


 Parents who love and support their transgender children are saints! I can't imagine having such supportive parents when I was growing up. In another era before the internet and any social media. Perhaps we can refer to the time as the transgender "dark ages"/

Change is slow though and it wasn't so long ago I was writing about the local transgender teenager Leelah Alcorn  (below) who committed suicide when her parents tried to force her to continue intense religious conversion therapy. 

I am writing this post today because of a comment I received from Janine :

My son is trans and it is great to read insight from others so that I can support him better. Thank you"

Janine now joins my former hair dresser Theresa as transgender advocates of trans children who have commented on the blog, or in Theresa's case, in person. (Theresa is the proud mother too of a trans son.)

It's a far cry from the experience I had with my Mom when she offered to send me to electro shock therapy. Fortunately, I was old enough (22) and secure enough in myself to reject her and it was never brought up again  by either of us. 

Finally, thanks Janice and Theresa for restoring my faith in human nature. You are saints!

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