Friday, December 4, 2020

A Blast from the Past

For those of you who don't know, I have a Facebook page which also has a very loyal group of followers. The difference in the group is many of the people I know personally and have interacted with over different periods of my life. 

One of which is Zena ( a cis woman) who I briefly met and saw a number of times when I first started to come out as transgender. This would have happened around 2010:

"The first time I saw you in a short jean skirt I was jealous, for lack of a better word. I have hardly had the courage to wear one as a cis female and you were so nonchalant and darling....I will never forget that day or your idyllic sweetness. You are so strong. I admire and miss you so"  

Shortly after the jean skirt our lives went separate ways and I remember vividly a few of the feminine "lessons" Zena tried to show me. One of which was mentioning I should probably practice a few of the feminine arts on bananas if you catch the drift. All along I was dazzled this beautiful woman was willing to meet me out in public. 

I also remember the wonderful spaghetti dinner she invited me and a couple other of her friends over for. I think I also wore the short jean skirt then too. Ironically, while she thought I was nonchalant, in reality I was terrified on the inside. Fortunately for me. I was able to learn from women such as Zena and move forward into my own feminine creation. 

Zena, thanks so much for the memory and I miss you so too!

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