Monday, November 7, 2016

Where Did She Go?

I haven't been able to post much lately due to continuing technology here we go.

Not much has happened since the last time we communicated except I finally got my hair colored and not another DIY (do it yourself) job. Liz did it this time and I went with a dark burgundy red.  Just the confidence I gained back was unbelievable!

Also (finally) it is election day tomorrow. Although I am not seeking to change your mind, I just can't vote for a man who repeatly dispected women over the years at a time when abuse to my sisters is increasing. Since I am in Ohio, a key election state, I certainly won't miss this chance to vote my mind and even though I have voted for a third party candidate in my past, I can't risk a chance my vote would be wasted.  Enough said!

On a lighter note, we are having a spectacular (!) fall around here and hope you are too. Halloween has come and gone with a chance for many cross dressers/possible transgender women to show their true colors. The best example is "Stana" over at Femulate who number one looks great and brings her looks to work with her every Halloween!

I never did get out to the second big Witches Ball Halloween party we had planned to go to so I have the fond memories of the first one to fall back on.

Since Fall has officially arrived, it's time for me to think about picking up another pair of boots for the season and beyond. Always a good time and I am having breakfast with my very busy and supportive daughter this week, so life is good.

As I said, not much exciting is happening. In so many ways, I have reached my own version of stealth without thinking about it.

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The Light in the Mirror

  Image from Alessandro  Bianchi  on UnSplash. I spend quite a bit of time here attacking my mirror when I was growing up. Recently, I have ...