Saturday, January 3, 2015

Too Many References to What?

Remember Maureen O'Govern's song "There Has To Be A Morning After" from the 1972 film "Poseidon Adventure?"  Well, if you don't, that's OK!!! The lyrics though, roughly describe the way I felt New Years morning...very roughly.
At any rate I was up drinking my first coffee of 2015 and noticed the sleeveless tank top which drapes down over my hips as a nightshirt.  Actually I should say, I noticed my body in it in the full length hotel room mirror.
The experience was similar to meeting up with a person you have known but just hadn't seen for awhile. My HRT changes of course have been happening but not as fast as I thought they should, but faster than I thought over time.
I was looking at a decidedly feminized version of the old me. Starting at "the girls" and my biceps, my girls still are coming along nicely and my biceps are going away nicely! Can't wait for next summer and the sleeveless fashions. Unlike the Jefferson's I began to movin' on down to my hips and waist area. 
I could see with a little (or more) dieting in my tummy area, I could just maybe begin to exceed my expectations of how this HRT feminization process will work in the very near future. A nice start to the New Years!

**It is quite possible you have no idea of my references above, but being a good girl I gave you links!!! What other transgender blogger is so knowledgeable or nice?

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What Came First?

  Image from Alexander Grey on UnSplash.  Today was "patch" day, when I changed out my gender affirming hormonal estradiol patches...