I so agree with the "growing up" idea and I so remember my conservative wife telling me how she passed her Mom's inspection on the way out the door to school and then proceeded to roll up her skirt to more of a mini skirt length before she got to school. Then there is Stana. She is a role model of how a more mature transgender woman can showcase her legs. She is tall (6' 2" I think in heels) and I vividly remember when we met. She was wearing the outfit on the left. Soon, I ended up sitting and then standing where I could see the men checking her out over her shoulder...bumping into things!
But, the point needs to be made she is fortunate enough to be able wear that outfit. If I had her legs-I would too. Almost all of us male structured body types though, have some sort of redeeming feminine values, if we look for them. Example? For the most part we have the "inverted triangle figure" going on (below) and have to work around our shoulders.

Also, I can have a little fun with my legs, especially with cooler times coming up around here. I positively love the feel and look of leggings and what you can wear them with!
Before we go, I must leave you with a classic British quote from Paula:
Remembering the famous line about "not doing it in the street and frightening the horses" I now always check myself in the mirror and ask myself the question "Will I frighten the horses?"