Saturday, December 14, 2013

Christmas Shopping till you Drop

Let's place this post in the "doing the right thing for the wrong reason" category.  As you regulars here in Cyrsti's Condo know, I seized every opportunity to break a deal I had with my wife and get out of the house cross dressed as a woman.

As Christmas rolled around every year, I found the ideal way to get out for a day and do her shopping, as a woman.  She didn't suspect anything and I had the money and time to buy her gifts. Once I figured out the need for comfort in my footware and didn't do anything crazy in heels, the shopping world was mine for the taking. Shopping was always the easiest way for me to get out of the closet and navigate the world as a woman.  Stores liked me because I was green ( as in money) and if anything, when and if I was read as transgender, I was merely a break from a staff's boring day with the public.

Most of my experiences were rather mundane, but a couple do stick out in my mind so many years later.  I will call this one "the case of the bulky blond".

"Back in the day", my wife worked as a full charge book keeper and we were building a home office for her.  We began with a oak roll top desk, added a file cabinet and as Christmas rolled around that year, I decided to add a book case for her.  I knew exactly what I wanted and where it was but dare I got buy it as a woman?  You all know the answer, of course I did.

I had a black pants suit I dearly loved which I teamed up with a pair of black flats and my long blond straight wig. I finished off my upscale professional woman look with a light overcoat I bought.  Needless to say, professional look or not, I was scared to death when I went into the furniture store.  After what seemed like an eternity, a salesman came up and asked if he could help me.  In what I hope passed as my best soft feminine voice (instead of a frog)  I told him what I wanted and bought it. So far, so good-no whispers, giggles or anything.  Only the final huge question, "what did I want it loaded in."  The question itself of course wasn't having the vehicle, it was who was going to load it? 

For the first time in my life, I stood back and let two men treat me like a girl and loaded my purchase.  Quite the experience to be sure!  They politely thanked me and sent me on my way with my purchase.  I made sure I returned the thanks, wished them a Happy Holiday and headed on my way, but not before I managed to sweep my long blond hair off my shoulders as I slid into the car. From that point on I knew life couldn't never be the same again.

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Preparing to Lose

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