Saturday, April 20, 2013

Feminine Privilege

It's just odd to me how some days just get into a karma flow and never seem to change until the sun comes up on a new day. I posted yesterday about how the day just started all warm and fuzzy girl like and then actually finished that way. If I was a surfer I would compare the day to riding a big smooth wave.

Last night I received a coupon on my email for a food item discount at one of my regular "haunts" and decided to use it.  I could eat and watch the Reds baseball game on one of their 2 zillion big screens, come home and get ready to help girlfriend with yard work today...a decidedly  non gender specific project.

Life was good in my girl world as guys opened doors for me and let me go first in narrow spots filled with others celebrating  One even made sure I got his seat as he was leaving with a grand sweep of his hand. (As close as I have ever come to a man pulling out a seat for me.) I thought Wow! I like this.

As all princess stories go though, they loose their buzz like that donut I'm eating will-shortly.

I would be remiss somehow if I labeled this under real female privilege so you notice I tossed it under "feminine privilege".  Just a few warm and fuzzies guys can do to women to make us feel better. Trans woman or not I was basking in the interior glow. Could it be I was becoming my dreaded "stealth" person? BUT: I'm not one to look a "gift horse in the mouth" because I have spent an incredible amount of time looking at or being a accused of being the other end of the horse.

I packed up my warm and fuzzies and headed home knowing I would need them today after a 30 degree temperature drop over the past two days. The "princess" doesn't have enough subjects to help tackle my girlfriend's yard. Such is life!

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