Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Are You Man Enough?

As most of you know I'm a regular visitor to Stana's Femulate blog. Her recent "real life experience" post I thought was very thought provoking.  Basically, she was responding to a question or two about gaining "girl time" in the real world.

I get the same questions too of course.  It's a tough answer.  Perhaps you may remember my long ago mention of when my deceased wife finally told me "be man enough to be a woman". Which I suppose parallels Stana's "It's hard work being a woman" post.

From the outside looking in, it's easy to think is it that bad? Getting all dolled up in women's clothes-how much fun is that? My deceased wife used to call it the "Princess Syndrome". Taking hours to get ready every night just wasn't in her "woman's handbook".

I have never looked at the process as being "hard" as much as necessity. Sure, my hair, skin, nails etc take a lot more work but it comes with the territory.

Getting down to basics: How you get into the world as a woman" is as personal as you.  Are you married or single. Do you have a family and job you are risking?  As Stana said- trans conferences and the such won't get you far in learning what a woman's life is all about. My pet observation is you have to get out of the gay venues too.

I got my "start" doing my own shopping as a girl which forced me to interact as a woman (or trans woman) with the public and moved on from there. Because it worked for me, doesn't mean it will work for you. You just have to be creative and obsessive enough to know if you want this bad enough you can find away to do it.

Please go here to read the rest of the post on Femulate! In the meantime, I will try to come up with something more concise which may give you a better idea of my path.

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