Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Kara and 70 Large?

Some of you (rightfully so) questioned the ability of a few hair replacement products to mysteriously turn unwilling males into females.
I'm sure more than a couple folks have rushed out and purchased a generic brand if it is available on a retail shelves.
Here's another add on to another "story" which is floating around the cyber world.
Kara/Kody recently made headlines of sort by "going on the way" to emulate her idol Britney Spears-to the tune of 70 grand? Really?
That is a lot of cash and I'm sure you can spend that much on body modifications...but from some of the pictures she may have wanted to spend a little more on wigs...
Or less on cigarettes?

Or the lack of it....Kara and Britney.

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Building a Huge Bridge

  Image from UnSplash. When you cross the binary gender border from male to female, anyway you cut it, you need to be ready to build a huge ...