Oh-Oh! Now What?

Perhaps you have read this story which I am passing along from the Huffington Post and Stephanie Mott:

The recent CBS story regarding nine Swedish women who received uterus transplants undoubtedly caught the attention of transgender women throughout the world. Anyone, with even the slightest awareness of the advancement of medical science, understands that eventually there will be few things left in the realm of impossible. 

The idea that a transgender woman will one day be able to carry a child in her womb is no longer just an idea. It is a reality of the future. Another story in the Dallas Voice is evidence to this fact as Sarah Luiz has positioned herself as a candidate to become the first transgender woman to potentially give birth. Anyone, with even the slightest awareness of society's obsession with sex and gender, understands that the word controversy applies to this situation in the same way the word skirmish applies to World War II.

Of course this story will shake up many of the radical feminists and other hate groups who attack the transgender community.  Then again, the RadFemmes are probably figuring how this is yet another example of the "male privilege" crowd discriminating against genetic women. Just don't bring up the fact these uterine transplants were for genetic women born without a uterus. There has to be a conspiracy "gender invasion" theory somewhere!

Finally, I'm passing along this quality paragraph from Stephanie which ties the whole subject together:

Any controversy that comes from transgender women seeking to experience pregnancy and give birth to children is based on the same ignorant myth that creates controversy about bathrooms and locker rooms - the myth that transgender women are not really women. How absurd is the idea that someone other than me could possibly know who I am? If it were possible for me to be a man, I would have done that long ago. God knows, I tried. As a woman, it is quite expected that I might have the same desires that many other women have. Among those desires is the desire to be a mom; the desire to carry a child. If medical advances offer that possibility to transgender women, it is no different than offering that possibility to cisgender women. 

Follow the link above for more.
