Friday, August 31, 2018


A couple of you observant readers mentioned how relaxed I looked in the recent picture I posted from Club Diversity. First of all, I thought it was probably the alcohol, or the fact I was surprised Liz was taking the picture so close to me. I just didn't have time or the inclination to tighten up.

What it could have been though was the venue. Whenever we go there, the whole place is just so inclusive and covers the whole LGBTQ spectrum.  So, anything from restrooms to ordering is pleasant. I am accepted for being transgender, no less. In fact, I don't even feel trans there.

Also, for you who asked, the dress I was wearing was my empire waist maxi dress. The part you didn't see is the same green color with a black pattern mixed in. It is undoubtedly my most comfortable outfit and the most sensual.

It makes me wonder what took me so long to get here! Thanks for all the questions and comments on my good health! Without it I am nothing. 

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Another Look at Priviledge

We received this thoughtful comment from Connie on our Cyrsti's Condo discussion of gender privilege:

"Earning privilege is what women do, while men are afforded it through social norms. Yes, I would rather be a strong woman who earned her privilege, rather than a weak man who attained his privilege at birth. In fact, that's what my transition has been all about. I always considered myself to be rather weak, as a man (although I did cover it up with a false bravado). I never really saw myself as having the power that my born-male privilege afforded me, as I could never even envisage myself as the typical male power figure.

I remember so well, after my father died when I was eight-years-old, all of the adult males who would offer their condolences to me by saying: "Well, you're the man of the house now, and you must take care of your mother and little brother." I never answered back aloud, but I would be screaming inside that I didn't want that job, and wasn't it bad enough, already, that I'd lost my father.

I grew up with only a mother, and I modeled myself after her. She became stronger after my father's death, and I held admiration for that. I also admired her wardrobe and her physical beauty, but that was just because I was trans. I believe I would have grown up with that acquired respect for women, even if I hadn't been trans, but being so raised its intensity, I'm sure.

There is power and privilege in womanhood, albeit, traditionally, in a subservient role to men. Men attempt to hold power over women, but they also do so with other men. Women haven't been so inclined to work that way, but that doesn't mean we can't take the lead with a different approach. I'm just sorry that I waited so long to put myself in a position to find success in applying that approach. Being an older woman now exposes me to another power/privilege problem: Ageism. But that's a different discussion, altogether."

I have always thought when some men feel their privilege is threatened, they lash out with violence. It's all some of them know.
Thanks for the comment. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Travel Day to the Doc

Well, travel day to the Veterans Administration hospital in Dayton, Ohio went very well for a change.

Traffic volume was surprisingly light back and forth.

First of all, I wore my "Stars and Stripes" top with a pair of tight fitting leggings.

My first stop was to get blood drawn for my extensive lab work due later in the day. As luck would have it, I ended up with a woman in the lab who has taken my blood for years. She said I truthfully was looking good, which got my day off to a great start. She made the point she wasn't just being polite. If she had known how to say it, I'm sure she meant I was transitioning nicely.

Since I had to fast for 12 hours (not eat) for the honor of someone sticking my arm and taking blood, I received a food voucher for lunch. I went down to the cafeteria and ordered a chicken salad sandwich. As I stood in line, a very rude woman making the sandwiches was barking out orders. I thought to myself if I make it past this with out getting mis-gendered I would be doing very good. And I was right, she ended up calling me "he". There was so much confusion going on, I couldn't be sure and just wanted my food. As I was starving.

Next stop was to my new blood doc and a ton of good news. My iron level in my blood was very good. So good, I didn't have to have a pint drawn out yesterday. Plus the Doc was very respectful and called me"her" several times. Also, the all important liver functions were normal according to the blood work.

As trips go, yesterday was a success!

From Obsession to Passion

  Image from Kayshawn Herandez on UnSplash.  For years I considered my desire to cross dress was more an obsession than anything else. Simil...