This my my attempt at a humorous look at my early days of DIY hair coloring from 2015:
"Finally, a couple nights ago, I broke down and colored by hair-basically by myself. I will explain.
"Basically" means I
only made a mess with the color base in a couple spots, like the bathroom door and sink. If you have ever worked with hair color, it
will stain almost anything and get you (me) hollered at. No pressure? Plus I sort of figured if I screwed up bad enough, Liz would help. I didn't and neither did she.
Lets back track a bit to where I got to this place. Looking back years ago to when I put my wigs aside and began
attempting to style my own hair. Very simply, I called this the first time in my life I
had to see the back of my head and brush out my hair. A "Pink Floyd" song? "The Dark Side of the Head?" Seriously, being able to experience the thrill of having/wearing my own hair has been worth the hassle. Having said that, if you are a transgender woman of means- you can afford the monthly trip to your hairdresser and is flat out wonderful.
I can't afford the luxury though so I had to enter the DIY hair color biz. From the school of hard hair mistakes-here are a
few of mine:
- Read the instructions...don't be a the instructions.
- When those mean old instructions tell you to "PUT ON THE GLOVES"-do it.
- Save back a couple of old towels you don't care if you color too for your removal process.
- BE CAREFUL and don't get the color on walls, tile, cat, carpet etc. Get it on your noggin.
- Make sure you color your roots completely. Or you will be like me and your gray hair will come back fast and look like a huge bald spot.
- Don't worry about the color which gets on to your skin around your temples, DO worry about not coloring your temples. (hair)
- The rest is up to you and the color product you purchased. Mine calls for rinse, two shampoos, and a conditioner.
So, there you go, but to me totally worth it and I felt positively terrible until I colored my hair. We all learn early as cross dressers or transgender women what hair means to us. Plus with Thanksgiving here, I didn't want to go to the family with the way my hair looked.
I took my abuse for making a mess and feel quite satisfied with the job I did looks. The question is now how long more will I stick with my "Vibrant Violet" hair color."
Fortunately now, I can have a professional help me.