Showing posts with label Trams Ohio Symposium.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trams Ohio Symposium.. Show all posts

Monday, April 9, 2018


Sunday my partner Liz and I finished the weekend up by going to an event called the "Festival of Light" just north of Cincinnati, in one of the regional convention centers. It is a giant collection of vendors specializing in an eclectic blend of the boho chic attire and accessories  I so love.

My best angle! :)
Hand beading by "Liz T Designs"
Do to size limitations (on their part)...I have plenty of size, much of the clothing wouldn't fit me. I did do real well in the accessory department though. I ended up buying six new pair of earrings, a new necklace and a new purse I really love. Plus, Liz bought me a lovely long skirt which I will probably end up wearing to the Trans Ohio Symposium. I called the whole collection, old hippie girl.

The real fun though came from the fact no one paid me a second glance. In fact, the only time I did get any at all was when I used the women's room and when I was recognized by a cis woman Liz used to work with a couple years ago. She was neat and said she always respected and liked my "story."

We finished up the afternoon by stopping at one of our favorite upscale fast food places. Again, I didn't get any negative feedback...from anybody.

It was quite the weekend and made up for a lot of negative learning weekends in my transgend

er past.

The Gender Envelope

  Image from Alexandru Zdobau on Unsplash. Sure, I spent or waisted far too many years before I fully transitioned into transgender womanhoo...