Showing posts with label The Beauty Thesis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Beauty Thesis. Show all posts

Monday, October 21, 2013

Cyrsti's Condo Shopping Tip

Many of us know the ultimate benefits of thrift shopping other than the obvious goal of saving money.

Thrift stores are places you can go where barely anyone notices you if you are shy and the prices are such you can "experiment" on sizes and styles which may look good on you or fit at all. I can't tell you how many two dollar clothing items I bought over the years which went back into a box and re donated  to the store.

I just subscribed to another fashion site called The Beauty Thesis and as luck would have it, my first email mentioned this:

"Ask an attendant where they keep their collection of designer jeans currently in stock (they usually keep them locked up somewhere up front so people don’t steal them and sell them for a much higher price). The attendant will let you try on any pair you like, and amazingly they always have plenty of different brand names on hand such as 7 for all mankind, Joe’s Jeans, True Religion, and I’ve seen a couple pairs of Citizens of Humanity jeans in there a few times as well. They’re not lacking on the sizes either!

 I was able to find and try on seven pairs of jeans in my size; a couple pairs of 7 jeans, a couple pairs of Joe’s Jeans, a couple pairs of True Religions, and a pair of Citizens that ended up being too short. That’s a rare occurrence for me because I’m only 5 feet tall! But, I guess that’s one of the downsides to buying recycled clothes, you have to deal with the possible alterations that have been done to them. Either way it’s always a steal if you can find a pair you like when the price range is only from about $20-$40 per pair. I found a $350 pair of jeweled “A Pocket” 7 jeans and they were only $18.99! So if you’re budget conscious, stylish and appreciate high quality denim, but would rather skip out on the high price then definitely consider checking out some recycled designer jeans sold at The Goodwill near you!"

As I always point out, if you are like me, there isn't a cold chance in Hades that any of the jeans she mentioned would fit me but I also know as transgender women or cross dressers we have to be better than genetic women in adapting to what we have to work with to even survive.  So I'm always looking for any edge I can get.

This is one of them!

Back Up Plans

  JJ Hart visiting Key Largo. Following several near misses as a novice transgender woman out into the world, I began to smarten up and have...